1 - Forming groups

In our first in person session we formed our group and and agreed on some crucial team rules.

Our Team members:

  • Samara Fischer
  • Gabriel Hauer 
  • Brisilda Bufi
  • Magdalena Kreimer

Game Design Rules: 

  • compromise 
  • if someone is not happy about something - tell them 
  • be honest with yourself, what you are good at and what you are not
  • take responsibility for mistakes
  • if you can't do something tell the others in time 
  • be transparent with your work - show the process
  • everyone has to respect others opinions 
  • -> ask others for their opinion

As a form of research each group member had to gain some experience by exploring and playing a game of their choice in advance to our first meeting. We then shared said experiences and started thinking about our own game.

We hope you join us on this playful journey!

Lots of love

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